Mike Maignan, thunderclap in sight


By: Manu Tournoux

Coveted by the biggest European clubs, Mike Maignan should receive a good contract extension offer from AC Milan. Something to interest the French goalkeeper…

There’s something new in the Mike Maignan soap opera! At the beginning of December, Corriere della Sera indicated that the French goalkeeper was in discussions with AC Milan for a contract extension, with a significant salary increase at stake.

Maignan currently receives 2.8 million euros per year, the salary he negotiated in 2021 upon his arrival from Lille. Since then, the goalkeeper trained at PSG has led AC Milan to the Scudetto, and he became a starter for the French team. His status has therefore changed, and Maignan would like this to also be reflected on his pay slip. Corriere della Sera estimated that a salary of 8 million euros would be his wish.

A double or triple salary for Maignan?

This Wednesday, Nicolo Schira revealed that AC Milan would be on the verge of preparing a very good offer for their goalkeeper. The project ? A contract until 2028 and a salary of between 6 and 7 million euros, an amount close to Rafael Leao’s emoluments (7 million euros per year).

This should greatly interest Maignan, whose priority is to stay at Milan and establish himself as one of the club’s executives. And this is therefore bad news for all the big clubs who were following this issue with an interested eye, such as Bayern, Chelsea or PSG, hoping that Milan would not be able to meet the demands of their goalkeeper.

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