PSG: Luis Enrique sets the record straight on his relationship with Kylian Mbappé


By: Manu Tournoux

Paris Saint-Germain is first in the Ligue 1 standings and qualified for the knockout stages of the Champions League. For those who were looking to compare Mbappé’s PSG to that of last year, it is difficult to say, for the moment, that the Rouge et Bleu have a worse record. However, it is well known, PSG would not be PSG without a controversy.

And lately, it’s Kylian Mbappé’s attitude that’s been the talk of the town. Sulking after the Champions League match in Dortmund (1-1) and against LOSC (1-1), the 2018 world champion would be on bad terms with his coach, Luis Enrique. Clearly, the Frenchman would moderately appreciate the choices of a coach with a strong character. Which rarely happened in the QSI era. But the latter denied having a bad relationship with the Parisian number 7. At a press conference, Luis Enrique even said he was surprised to be often questioned on this subject.

“I don’t know why you keep asking me this question”

“Always the same, perfect. We’re not a couple mainly because he’s the one who doesn’t want to (laughs). I don’t know why you keep asking me this question. I am very close to my players. With Kylian, from the start, we have always been very close, he is someone who always makes jokes. I’m delighted with it, not only with Kylian with the others too, even if I know it’s not the same with those who play less”he declared, before taking stock of the career of the Bondynois who will celebrate his 25th birthday tomorrow.

The opportunity for the Spaniard to brush his offensive star in the right direction, after all these controversies. “25 years old, he’s super young, he’s my son’s age. I hope he will have a lot of success, individual and especially collective success. I hope it will be here at PSG, that we can help him on his journey. His level is fantastic. As a person, it’s a chance to have him in this squad, with what he brings. He is at the top of world football. » Nice compliments enough to calm the sulking Mbappé?

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