Fabien Barthez at his worst, the doctor intervenes


By: Nicolas Gerbault

Unaccustomed to drinking, Fabien Barthez was the victim of a memorable drunk after the coronation of the French team at Euro 2000.

The Italians had already brought out the bottles of champagne, ready to celebrate the first coronation of the Nazionale in almost two decades. But that was without counting on a final offensive from the Blues with an equalizing goal from Sylvain Wiltord. A few minutes later, David Trézeguet would offer the Blues an incredible double, two years after the coronation of July 12.

After keeping the fun going on the lawn of the Stade De Kuip in Rotterdam, the Blues were going to indulge in a celebration worthy of the event and the improbable scenario of the match. This is evidenced by the anecdote given by Jean-Marcel Ferret, former doctor of the France team. “I was woken up in the night because Fabien (Barthez) really wasn’t doing very well… He was with Linda Evangelista and her two brothers, two Canadian lumberjacks, who had made him drink when he had not not really used to it… Manu Petit talked about it in his book so I can talk about it”, he said in the columns of L’Equipe.

In addition to talking about it in his book, Emmanuel Petit also spoke about this evening with the first person concerned in a documentary by La Chaîne L’Equipe on Euro 2000. “We didn’t have a drink, we wiped our faces with Linda’s brothers… wow! We weren’t used to drinking too much. It was hot ! “, he explained, the “Divine Bald” specifying that he had no more legs in the air under perf”.

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