Endrick’s message to Real Madrid


By: Manu Tournoux

Real Madrid made short work of Villarreal on Sunday evening as part of the 17th day of La Liga (4-1). Thanks to a well-oiled team and despite the serious injury of David Alaba, the Merengues played their football. All under the eyes of Endrick, the Brazilian nugget who will arrive in the summer of 2024.

Present in the capital for a few days, the young promise was able to observe his future partners and even delivered a few words for the Real Madrid TV channel. “It’s been a dream since I was little to be here and, thank God, I’m here with my family. I think we will write a great story in six months”he said, in Spanish. “Did I speak correctly”asked Endrick at the end of the interview, he who has been learning the local language for several months.

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