Courteous, the terrible announcement


By: Manu Tournoux

Seriously injured in a knee, Thibaut Courtois announced his withdrawal for Euro 2024 this Tuesday.

Victim of a ruptured cruciate ligament in his left knee on the sidelines of the launch of the 2023-2024 season, Thibaut Courtois hopes to make his return to competition next May, just before the start of Euro 2024. But the goalkeeper Real Madrid believes that he will not have fully recovered from his injury to compete in the competition with Belgium. This is why he has already decided to give up.

“I must first recover 100% from my injury”

“Due to my injury, there will be no Euro 2024 for me anyway”indicated the former Chelsea goalkeeper at the microphone of Sporzaand add: “I prefer not to give a date for my return to competition. I need to recover 100% from my injury first. If I’m lucky, I’ll be able to play another match in May. But you can never be 100% ready for a big tournament. »

“I put my honor aside”

“I think it is best to immediately bring this clarity to the national team, he continued. I’m not going to be in goal at 80%, even though we have other good goalkeepers. I’m putting my honor aside and will just be another supporter in June. I hope they win Euro 2024.” A decision which clearly has nothing to do with the fresh relationship he maintains with the coach of the Red Devils, Tedesco.

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