Atlético: Diego Simeone praises the versatility of Antoine Griezmann


By: Manu Tournoux

Present at a press conference before his team’s defeat on the pitch in Bilbao this Saturday, Diego Simeone took the opportunity to praise a certain Antoine Griezmann, pillar of Atlético de Madrid at the start of the season. As a reminder, the French international (127 caps, 44 goals) totals 14 goals and 2 offerings and thus allows the Colchoneros to remain in the race for the La Liga podium.

Facing journalists, the Madrid coach especially noted the versatility of the Habs. “Depending on the game and the characteristics of the opponent, we are considering the possibility of adding one more attacker and having a mixed midfielder because Antoine Griezmann is a versatile player. He can play as a striker, on the wing, as a second striker… He can help us occupy more offensive positions.. Precious…

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