Thunderbolt! Luis Campos leaves


By: Manu Tournoux

Against all expectations, the Spaniard Luis Campos should abandon the role he had occupied for several months.

Luis Campos will soon no longer be involved in the sporting affairs of… Celta Vigo. Indeed, and if we are to believe information communicated this Saturday by Le Parisien, the Spaniard plans to stop his collaboration with the Galician club at the end of the current season. PSG will then become his only professional concern.

Luis Campos will devote himself to just one club

Campos was appointed to Celta by former president Carlos Mourino, a great friend of his. However, the latter has since handed over control to his daughter Marian. The PSG advisor had committed to staying in place during this transition period, but the Vigo organization is about to completely change. The 17e place occupied by Celta in the La Liga standings leads its decision-makers to review the way they operate.

Campos’ departure has not yet been completely confirmed. However, the trend is still towards a separation. In the best case scenario, the former sports director will remain on Bailados’ side until the end of the current financial year.

Luis Campos will no longer be forced to duplicate himself.

The news should be well received in Paris. Even if he has complete confidence in Campos and his professionalism, Nasser Al-Khelaifi liked the fact that the Spaniard was involved in two roles at the same time. Beyond the conflict of interest that there could be, particularly in terms of scouting and recruitment of players, there was concern about the fact that the person concerned would disperse and not complete his various files. . So worry will soon no longer be necessary.

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