Lens, warm parties?


By: Manu Tournoux

Undefeated in the league for three months, Lens extended its series this Saturday at the expense of Reims, as part of the 16th round of L1 (2-0).

With one point on the clock in five days of the championship, the fate of the French vice-champion Lensois appeared to be in serious jeopardy at the start of this 2023-2024 financial year. Since then, however, the Sang et Or have rectified the situation perfectly, signing four draws and no less than seven victories in eleven tricks – the latest acquired this Saturday evening in Bollaert to the detriment of the Rémois.

Read also: Ligue 1: The results Ligue 1: The ranking

Jostled at the start of the match by the willing and well-organized Champenois, the Artésiens were able to breathe when Daramy saw his goal invalidated for an offside judged by a hair’s breadth at the VAR (18e). With all the more relief at the break as Saïd scored well before returning to the locker room (1-0, 43e). In the second act, the Lensois were able to seal their success with an achievement also dissected with video assistance, and ratified for the benefit of the young Cortes (2-0, 75e), thus scoring his very first goal in Ligue 1.

The podium in sight

For Racing, which has won four of its last five championship matches, the week ends in style. Qualified for the Europa League play-offs thanks to their result ahead of Sevilla four earlier in C1, the Lensois temporarily climb into fifth position, just four lengths from Monaco and the third step of the podium. Reims, which has lost four times in five outings, remains confined to the eighth level, three units behind its evening opponent.

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