“Donnarumma is the greatest Italian footballer today”


By: Manu Tournoux

For a former transalpine international, Gianluigi Donnarumma is quite simply the best current Italian player.

Not spared from criticism in recent weeks, Gianluigi Donnarumma delivered a great performance Wednesday evening in Dortmund (1-1). Enough to please his supporters, like Giorgio Chiellini, who was full of praise for his compatriot.

“Donnarumma is the greatest Italian footballer today. Compared to the others, he is the most talented at the international level, the only one who can reach the top. It’s not easy for him in Paris, but he remains someone different from the others.”declared the newly retired at the microphone of Sky Italia. The main interested party will appreciate it.

Recently, it was Gianluigi Buffon who stepped up to support the 24-year-old Parisian goalkeeper. “ I think Gianluigi Donnarumma now has a good armor when it comes to criticism, questioning himself, he confided. I believe that when you are considered one of the three best goalkeepers in the world, it is normal today that every mistake gives rise to this kind of controversy. »

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