Riolo lets loose (again) on Barcola


By: Manu Tournoux

On the sidelines of the Champions League match between PSG and Dortmund, Daniel Riolo took a dig at Bradley Barcola.

Very critical, even virulent, against Bradley Barcola after Paris Saint-Germain’s draw against Newcastle (1-1), Daniel Riolo does not let go of the former Lyonnais. While the latter is announced as the starter in Dortmund, this Wednesday evening, the famous editorialist hears him at the turning point.

“I ask that he smack my mouth”

“‘Bambi’, he has the right side. He can play both sides “Bambi” right? I ask for him to smack my mouth in a Champions League match, thus launched Riolo on the airwaves of RMC. It’s not that I don’t want Barcola, but he has to grow. It’s not because I said against Newcastle that it was the lamb, which first of all is not an insult, it’s someone who must grow up, who is not finished. This doesn’t mean that he won’t become good or that he will miss all his matches. »

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