A Turinese on the OM shelves!


By: Manu Tournoux

Determined to strengthen its squad this winter, Olympique de Marseille would have its sights set on a young prospect from Juventus Turin.

Determined to strengthen its squad this winter, Olympique de Marseille would have its sights set on a young prospect from Juventus Turin. Particularly active last summer, Olympique de Marseille should once again enliven the transfer market in January. Several positions are targeted and according to Tuttosport, the sky and White are particularly interested in Samuel Iling-Junior, one of the young shoots of the Old Lady.

After a promising start last season with the professional group, the 20-year-old English winger no longer seems to fit into Massimiliano Allegri’s plans and the Italian club will not retain him in the event of an interesting offer. And all the more so since the London native will be at the end of his contract in June 2025. A situation which OM could therefore seek to take advantage of this winter.

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