Revelations about the ordeal of a PSG flop


By: Manu Tournoux

Victim of repeated injuries, Renato Sanches would have called on a marabout to ward off what he considers to be a bad spell.

The career of Renato Sanches is definitely not a long, quiet river. After Euro 2016 which brought him to light, a (too) early transfer to Bayern Munich and a rebound at Lille, the Portuguese international failed again at Paris Saint-Germain. Multiplying physical problems, the midfielder never managed to establish himself in the French capital and joined that of Italy by joining theAS Roma during the summer transfer window.

Too unstable a physique

But on the other side of the Alps, nothing seems to be going well for the 26-year-old. Victim of a thigh strain, he only played seven matches for just 148 minutes of play in all competitions and was only started twice by José Mourinho.

Enough to think that he is cursed. In any case, that’s what he seems to think, as he confided to his former teammate Jonathan Ikoné during the meeting between Rome and Fiorentina (1-1 on December 10). There TNT Sports indeed broadcast an extract in which Sanches said to the Frenchman “to believe that I am cursed”although he thought he was out of sight and especially from the cameras.

And if we are to believe the information from La Republicca, the former Lille player would take this very seriously. The Italian daily claims in fact that the Roma player consulted a marabout in order to “lift the spell”, but this session would not have had the expected result. For his part, José Mourinho has already seemed tired of his new player’s repeated injuries and does not seem to believe in the long-awaited blossoming of his immense talent.

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