Dembélé out, Luis Enrique calls on his players to take responsibility


By: Manu Tournoux

Despite the absence of Ousmane Dembélé against Dortmund, Paris Saint-Germain coach Luis Enrique refuses excuses and encourages collective solidarity.

Paris Saint-Germain striker Ousmane Dembélé will be suspended for the decisive match against Borussia Dortmund on Wednesday in the Champions League. His coach Luis Enrique refuses to hide behind this absence and calls on his players to take responsibility.

Dembélé received a yellow card during PSG’s last match against Newcastle (1-1), which earned him a suspension for the next match. An absence which could be detrimental for the capital club, which must win to qualify for the round of 16.

But the Spanish technician refuses to complain. “Responsibility in a football team is collective,” he declared at a press conference on Tuesday. “When you have the possibility of having a squad as large as the one I have at PSG, it is always easier to find solutions to replace those who are absent. So this cannot be an excuse. I will never complain about the absence of a player. »

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