Real humiliation for Barça


By: Manu Tournoux

The lesson Barça received on Sunday against Girona goes badly in Catalonia, where Xavi faces severe criticism.

The Catalan derby between FC Barcelona and Girona turned into a demonstration. Traveling to their prestigious neighbor, the surprise team at the start of the season actually taught the Blaugrana a lesson, with a resounding 4-2 victory on the Montjuic pitch. Coupled with Real Madrid’s draw, this victory allowed the Gironistes to regain the leadership of La Liga with two points ahead of the Merengue.

This success against Barça above all brought Girona into a new dimension and earned a shower of praise for Michel’s men. “A recital by a leader without limits”title thus Marca the day after the Girona coup, AS crossed out its front page with a “Here it is Girona who is in charge”. And the tone is the same in the columns of the Catalan press like Sport, which asserts ” LThe leader is Girona.

On the set of El Chiringuito, the consultants were very scathing about Barça and Xavi. “ Xavi is not the right man to coach Barça. He will perhaps succeed, but not at Barça,” launched one of the editorialists. Same analysis on the side of Mundo Deportivo, for whom “Barça showed all its limits against Girona. The bottom line is still non-existent and the club can only get by thanks to its individualities. But that cannot be enough against a team which can rely on a real collective. » “Almost three years after his arrival, Xavi has not managed to transform Barça,” regrets Mundo Deportivo.

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