Rabiot, an angry mother


By: Manu Tournoux

At the end of his contract next June, Adrien Rabiot would be in the process of extending with Juve… A lie, retorts his mother and agent.

At the end of last week, the transalpine press was unanimous: Adrien Rabiot, whose Turin contract runs until June 2024, had reached an agreement with the Piedmontese management to extend his lease beyond his fifth season with the Bianconeri. Good news for Juve, which had recruited the French international midfielder free in 2019 and does not intend to see him fly away without any compensation while his rating is 40 million euros.

Yes but here it is, this Monday Véronique Rabiot, the mother and advisor of the player trained at PSG, wanted to dot the i’s. “ Adrien has not made any decision on his future and he is only focused on the field this season. There are currently no discussions with any club for Adrien’s future », she insists to the Italian press agency Ansa.

“A total journalistic invention”

Even though I was angry when I discovered the information on the front page of a newspaper and the article, which is nothing other than a total journalistic invention, I chose to respond only today today to let the weekend pass and not interfere with Adrien’s match “, she continues. A clash between Juve and Napoli in this case (1-0 victory for the Old Lady). Approached in the past by Manchester United, Adrien Rabiot remains regularly mentioned on the Red Devils’ shelves.

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