Juventus: the muscular focus of Véronique Rabiot


By: Manu Tournoux

Last Thursday, the Gazzetta dello Sport displayed Adrien Rabiot’s face on its front page, with the following message: “Juve, I stay here”. The pink paper publication even specified that he was going to sign up for an additional season, his contract ending in June 2024. But this Monday, the player’s mother, Véronique, denied this information via the agency Italian press Ansa.

“Adrien has not made any decision on his future and he is only focused on the pitch this season. There are currently no discussions with any club for Adrien’s future. Even though I was angry when I discovered the information on the front page of a newspaper and the article, which is nothing other than a total journalistic invention, I chose to respond only today today to let the weekend pass and not interfere with Adrien’s match. The message got through…

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