Blues: Zaire-Emery, he doesn’t want people to talk to him about age


By: Nicolas Gerbault

Didier Deschamps, coach of the France team, spoke highly of the young French talent from Paris Saint-Germain, Warren Zaire-Emery.

Warren Zaire-Emery was called up to the France A team against Gibraltar (14-0) on November 18, at the age of 17 years and 246 days. A level of maturity greatly praised by the Blues coach Didier Deschamps.

“I never took the date of birth into account. I select those that I think are the best,” said the Bayonnais. “Warren was going to come sooner or later. I could have taken it already in October. »

“It’s not a question of age”

The French technician said he was impressed by the Paris Saint-Germain midfielder’s ability to string together great performances with the capital club. “He has this ability to string together high-level matches while performing well with PSG,” Deschamps said. He has this precocity, this something extra: maturity. »

La Desch also wanted to add that maturity was not just a question of age. “And that can’t be bought. It’s not a question of age. We have it or not,” explained the 98 world champion. WZE will appreciate it.

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