Touched, Lizarazu responds to Infantino


By: Manu Tournoux

Bixente Lizarazu celebrated her 54th birthday this Saturday, December 9. The former French international received numerous messages, including one from Gianni Infantino. He responded publicly.

Time flies and the years pass just as quickly. 1998 world champion that he is, Bixente Lizarzu is no exception to the rule, he who reached the fifty-four year mark on Saturday. For the occasion, the consultant of TF1 received a slew of messages to help him get through the process. On social networks, the former Bayern Munich defender published some of these words of friendship. One of them reached him from the FIFA presidency.

Because it was a certain Gianni Infantino who posted a birthday message for the former professional footballer in his “stories” on Saturday. “ Happy birthday to Bixente Lizarazu, a fantastic player, winner of the 1998 FIFA World Cup. » And visibly, the attention of the all-powerful boss of the International Football Federation touched Lizarazu who therefore took up the message to respond. “Thank you very much for your message, Gianni Infantino,” accompanied by a thumbs up and a fist making a “check.”

Kahn and the others

Among the other messages received by the man who also won Euro 2000 with the France team, there was that of his former Bayern teammate, Oliver Kahn: “ Wishing a fantastic birthday to a remarkable gentleman who has been a great teammate on the pitch for countless matches. Happy birthday Bixente Lizarazu. »So many signs of attention which surely all went straight to the heart of the hero of the day.

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