Marcus Thuram explains why he refused PSG


By: Manu Tournoux

In great shape for Inter Milan, Marcus Thuram (26) has already scored six goals and delivered six assists in fifteen Serie A matches. A profitable choice for the man who joined the Nerazzurri by signing a five-year contract. years this summer, while he was courted by Paris Saint-Germain this summer. In an interview given to Canal +, the 26-year-old striker was invited to answer a question from his captain in the French team, Kylian Mbappé, asking him why he did not sign for PSG. And the main person responded frankly.

“He knows very well why I didn’t come to PSG. I never asked for a guarantee of playing time, we come to a club to establish ourselves there. But it’s a question of feeling. Inter Milan always saw me as number 9, so it was a clear choice. If this poses a problem for me for my place in the French team? No, not at all, all three of them are at PSG (RKM-Dembélé-Mbappé), but it’s not a handicap for me”, he explained. Kylian Mbappé will appreciate it.

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