“Jihadism”, Darmanin’s serious accusation against Benzema


By: Manu Tournoux

During a lengthy interview given to Brut, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin returned to the Karim Benzema case with a new accusation.

During a wide-ranging interview provided to Brut, Interior Minister Gérald Darmanin re-explained why, according to him, Karim Benzema is participating in the establishment of an “atmospheric jihadism”.

Gérald Darmanin does not let go of Benzema’s jacket

The Minister of the Interior thus defended the controversial remarks he had made towards the French striker in mid-October, who had accused the former Real star of maintaining a “notorious link” with the Muslim Brotherhood movement.

“I maintain my point that there is an atmospheric jihadism, a conception which leads towards radical Islam, and there are promoters of this radical Islam. I think he is a great footballer, I have no problem personally against him, but when Mr. Benzema never says a word about the assassination of teachers, never says a word when there are Islamist terrorist attacks in France, I regret it, because it is followed by millions of people. He is not just a footballer, he is someone who is followed by millions of people. »

Relaunched on his controversial remarks concerning the Muslim Brotherhood and Karim Benzema, Darmanin was content to note the absence of complaints emanating from the player’s clan. “He has not filed a complaint to my knowledge. I think I would have known, it’s been several weeks. »

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