A new financial problem in sight for OM?


By: Manu Tournoux

A new financial problem in sight for Olympique de Marseille and Pablo Longoria? This Saturday, the city of Marseille announced that the rent paid by OM for the occupation of the Vélodrome stadium will increase to €8M per season in fixed part.

This is not really good news financially for the Marseille club. The city of Marseille declared that the rent paid by OM for the Vélodrome stadium would increase to €8M per season in fixed part compared to €6.5M currently and €5M in 2017 specifies the municipality in a press release.

“I would like to thank Olympique de Marseille for this new agreement. The city and its club are inseparable. In three years, we have increased the rent of the Stade Vélodrome by three million euros: this is extra money for the Marseillaises and the Marseillais and a fairer return on investment,” said city mayor Benoît Payan in the press release.

Confirm against Lorient this Sunday

Let’s leave the numbers aside. Olympique de Marseille are on a good run in Ligue 1. Gennaro Gattuso’s men have taken 7 points in the last 3 matches in the league with 6 goals scored and only one conceded.

This Sunday against Lorient, the Phocéens can continue their momentum and get closer to the top of the table in the event of success against the Merlus. A setback would undermine the good dynamics of the club which seems to be recovering…

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