“A great gentleman”: the superb tribute from a favorite of Deschamps


By: Nicolas Gerbault

A French international wanted to pay vibrant tribute to his coach.

With 71 caps and 2 goals, Moussa Sissoko has had great moments in the French team. The current FC Nantes midfielder was not in the group of 2018 world champions, but he holds Didier Deschamps in very high esteem, as he confided in the columns of the daily Le Parisien.

A very great gentleman. His career as a player already commands admirationlaunched Sissoko. Having become a coach, he maintained this level of excellence. He took the reins of the selection at a difficult time. He led her to the supreme title in 2018. Hats off! More than a decade at the head of the Blues, unheard of in France. It classifies you as someone“.

“He doesn’t listen to the famous rumors”

He excels in managing a group, continued Sissoko. He is one of my best encounters in football. He trusted me. He doesn’t listen to what can be said right or left about a player. The famous rumors. He has his convictions and sticks to them. Sometimes my presence in his lists was greeted with some skepticism from the outside. He knew why he was calling me. He told me not to take myself for someone else and to bring my qualities to the collective. I send a big thank you to the man and the coach“, concluded the Nantes resident.

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