Villarreal dives back against Sociedad


By: Manu Tournoux

Villarreal fell heavily at home this Saturday, when they hosted Real Sociedad (0-3, 16th day of La Liga).

After very complicated months of September and October in terms of results, Villarreal managed to turn things around during November. But the beginning of December plunged the “yellow submarine” back into troubled waters. After two consecutive draws, in La Liga then in the Europa League, the team coached by Marcelino fell heavily this Saturday, during the reception of Real Sociedad (0-3, 16th day).

It was at the end of the first period that Villarreal literally exploded, conceding three goals in the space of ten minutes. It was first of all Merino who opened the scoring in favor of the visitors (0-1, 38th), imitated three minutes later by Zubimendi (0-2, 41st). And in the final moments before the break, Kubo tripled the lead (0-3, 45th+4). In the second half, nothing was scored despite the great domination of the locals.

In the provisional ranking, Villarreal finds itself thirteenth, while Real Sociedad is fifth.

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