PSG, Corinthians: the much-courted Gabriel Moscardo sets things straight for his future


By: Manu Tournoux

Gabriel Moscardo was still completely unknown in France a few weeks ago but since he was announced very close to PSG, his name has come up repeatedly with us. Announced exclusively by us, the young Brazilian is very close to joining the club in the French capital. The Parisians beat all their European competitors in this matter. According to our information, a first offer of €22 million was even made. Corinthians are hoping for a little more for an element whose popularity has exploded in recent weeks.

We do not yet know the answer to this proposal but the trip planned to Brazil for Luis Campos is obviously not a coincidence. The PSG football director comes to plead his case and continue the negotiations live between the two managements. The matter is still very advanced, especially since, as we indicated, the president of Corinthians, Duílio Monteiro Alves, wishes to complete this deal before leaving office at the end of January. It remains to be seen when the young midfielder will arrive in France?

Moscardo: “my reality is that I will return to Corinthians in January”

According to the main person concerned, it is not for now. “There is a lot of talk about my future, but I am very grateful to wear this jersey. I am very happy. It’s a huge club, and I’ve been here since I was a kid. I leave these rumors to my agent, I live my reality. My reality is that I will return to Corinthians in January. (…) I am very excited. I am young, I like to experience new things, I want to learn”explains the player to a local media, La Gazeta Esportiva.

This gives a little more precision. There was talk of a transfer this winter, then of an immediate loan to the Paulista club until June, at the end of the season in France, or even in December 2023, the end of the Brazilian Serie A. One thing seems certain after the declarations, we should not expect Gabriel Moscardo to be at work on Ligue 1 pitches in the coming weeks. He also wanted to finish his studies and get his degree in business administration before flying to Europe.

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