OM, good news and bad news


By: Manu Tournoux

Pape Gueye’s return to competition pleased Gennaro Gattuso, the OM coach. But the satisfaction could be short-lived.

Pape Gueye is back. After four months of suspension imposed by Fifa, the OM midfielder returned to competition on Wednesday evening against OM (3-0, late match of the 10th day of Ligue 1).

I liked him when he came on Wednesday, even though we were already leading 3-0commented Gennaro Gattuso, two days later at a press conference, quoted by The Phocaean. He recovered several balls wellhe is someone we can count on. »

The satisfaction of the Italian coach of OM, who sees Gueye as a versatile player (in 6 or 8), could be short-lived because his counterpart from Senegal has not forgotten him, particularly with a view to the next Coupe d Africa Nations, which will kick off on January 13 in Ivory Coast.

Senegal is an ambitious nation and we therefore want to count on our best elements. Pope is one of them »said Aliou Cissé in an interview Provence published Saturday.

The coach of the reigning African champions wishes to do everything in this direction: “ It’s up to us to work with him, to work little by little, while keeping in mind that he is not yet 100%. »

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