OL ‍: 60 million or fired, the DNCG threatens Textor


By: Manu Tournoux

John Textor remains as vague as ever regarding his transfer window but above all his financial contribution to OL. If the supporters are wondering, they are not the only ones. The DNCG wants clarification but above all real money from it.

John Textor or the big bluff at OL. The American businessman has been masked since his arrival in the Rhône. This was even the case before since it took more than six months to finalize his takeover of the club. He had to collect the sum promised to Jean-Michel Aulas. If he was finally able to inject 400 million euros in cash last December, doubts persist about his real purchasing power. And, it is not the winter transfer window as well as the start of the current summer transfer window that will reassure Lyon supporters. The DNCG also has a say in OL’s accounts and it is already putting John Textor before his responsibilities.

The DNCG claims 60 million euros from Textor

Indeed, according to the newspaper L’Equipe, the financial control body of French football sent a letter to the American. In it, it asks Textor to present solid accounts as of June 30, which must contain an additional 60 million euros. A sum that must be real and proven, not just promised by Textor. An episode which illustrates the distrust of the DNCG towards the new owner of OL and its opaque financial strategy.

However, John Textor says he is confident and even believes that the money claimed is already there. According to him, it was practically reunited thanks to the sale of OL Reign, OL’s former American franchise in women’s football, as well as the sale of OL Women to Michelle Kang. An operation that would bring in 50 million euros according to the team. Textor will rely on it during his hearing before the DNCG scheduled for June 28. This will be decisive for OL because the body will want concrete and not vague answers from Textor. Otherwise, OL would be exposed to sanctions which would complicate the transfer window and the coming season a little more.

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