Arsenal: Mikel Arteta cuts short controversy with Pep Guardiola


By: Manu Tournoux

A week after the clash between Manchester City and Arsenal (2-2), the tension has visibly not subsided between Pep Guardiola and Mikel Arteta. Exasperated by criticism of his team’s supposed unfair play, the Arsenal coach said: “ I’ve been there before (City). I stayed there four years. I have all the information. So, I know. Believe me. » A statement which suggested that he had compromising information on the Skyblueswhile the “ trial of the century » between City and the Premier League. To which Guardiola replied: “ Did he say that? What exactly did he say? Next time, Mikel will have to be clearer. What does this mean? What he said was that he had been here for several years, perhaps he was referring to ongoing proceedings. »

At a press conference this Friday, Arteta returned to the statements of his former mentor at Manchester City and wanted to calm the situation. “ When I say I know things about Manchester City, I mean I know how hard they work. That’s what I mean! I can repeat it very clearly, I admire Pep. I like Pep. I respect him enormously for everything he does for me. I consider him a friend… I have never seen a human being work as hard as Pep and everyone at Manchester City is constantly winning… and the reason they are there is because they continue to maintain this hunger. If someone wants to damage the relationship, it’s not my responsibility », clarified the Spanish technician.

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