Mbappé, the saga rebounds


By: Manu Tournoux

In conflict with Kylian Mbappé, Paris Saint-Germain has appealed the LFP’s decision, which required it to pay 55 million euros to its former player.

It’s time for Paris Saint-Germain to fight back. While the LFP has ordered it to pay 55 million euros to Kylian Mbappé, who is demanding unpaid bonuses and salaries, the capital club appealed the opinion of the LFP Commission, “despite its limited effect”, PSG said in a press release.

The capital club explains its position, which “is much more than a well-founded legal position. It is also a question of good faith, honesty, maintaining values ​​and respect for the Parisian institution and its supporters, which is more important than any player.”

Mbappé made promises to PSG

For PSG, the contract on which Mbappé relies, and which the LFP intends to enforce, would no longer be valid. “CWhat is being argued, and will ultimately be heard by an appropriate tribunal, is that the original contract was legally amended, and also fully complied with, by the player and PSG – until the player decided to renege on all his commitments by leaving the club.“, indicate the Parisian leaders.

PSG maintains that Mbappé made promises that he will have to keep. In law and in fact, the player has made clear and repeated public and private commitments that the Club simply asks to be honoured, and the player has benefited from unprecedented benefits from the Club during 7 years in Paris. The Club looks forward to these fundamental and undeniable commitments being respected in the appropriate forum, if the player unfortunately seeks to pursue this matter so incomprehensible for his reputation.

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