Mbappé Affair: Emmanuel Petit Slams PSG and Qatar


By: Manu Tournoux

This is the hot news of the moment. Despite the oral agreement reached with Paris Saint-Germain last season, Kylian Mbappé is now demanding 55 million euros from his former employer, a sum that includes the last third of a signing bonus (36 million euros gross) that he was supposed to receive in February, the last three months of salary stipulated in his contract, as well as an “ethical bonus” covering the same period. The LFP legal committee was not able to settle the dispute, proposing conciliation to the two clans. A proposal ultimately refused by Mbappé, who does not intend to give his former club any gifts, and should take the case to court, in this case the industrial tribunal, authorized to settle disputes relating to labor law.

In the midst of this tumult, the question of responsibility returns. Who is at fault in this story? Paris or the player? Present on the show Rothen ignites on RMCthe 98 world champion Emmanuel Petit said he would not take “no party”. But he did not fail to take aim at the capital club, and at Qatar: “I don’t take sides for Mbappé or for Paris Saint-Germain. There have been only betrayals on both sides. You signed a contract, well respect its clausesthe columnist said during a lively exchange with Rothen. The Parisian leaders respectful? But stop your bullshit, there is no club worse than PSG for treating its players badly. Damn, we are not in Qatar, we are in France. Stop talking nonsense Jérôme, you are defending people, who, in their country… Well, I might leave quickly… I’m going to shut up, because if I really say what I think, sincerely, it could go very far. Keep defending them… They must have known that they had to sign a contract. »

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