PSG: Sergio Rico gives his news


By: Manu Tournoux

Due to a fall on horseback, Sergio Rico was hospitalized on May 28, the day after PSG’s French championship crown. The Spaniard, badly injured, suffered from numerous head injuries in particular. So much so that the Paris Saint-Germain goalkeeper had returned to intensive care for more than a month, including 19 days in a coma. Since then, the goalkeeper is conscious again and breathes on his own.

Tributes multiplying around Sergio Rico, The Athletic recently revealed that the native of Seville had passed half a centimeter from death, losing more than 20kg in the process. On Instagram, the 29-year-old goalkeeper gave his reassuring news. “I want to thank all the people who showed me and gave their support during these complicated days. I continue to work on my recovery and every day it gets better. I feel very lucky, once again thank you all, hope to see you soon“, he assures. Enough to predict a return to normal in a while, even if his football career is probably behind him.

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