Rudi Garcia wants to steal Cherki from OL


By: Manu Tournoux

Rayan Cherki’s rating is higher than ever during this summer transfer window and the interests of big clubs are increasing for the French international hopefuls of OL.

Established as a full holder of Olympique Lyonnais since Laurent Blanc took office, Rayan Cherki performed well during the second half of the season with 5 goals and 6 assists in the colors of the Rhone club in all competitions. Author of 2 goals with the French Euro hopefuls team, the 19-year-old playmaker has boosted his rating on the transfer market a little more.

Followed by many European clubs for several years, Rayan Cherki could well receive offers this summer as rarely since the start of his career. At the start of the week, Chelsea’s interest was raised for the native of Lyon, who also has a good rating in Serie A. According to information from Ignazio Genuardi, Naples is in the running to welcome Rayan Cherki this summer. The new Neapolitan coach Rudi Garcia appreciates the profile of the one he rubbed shoulders with in Lyon… and whom he had hardly played at the time.

Cherki in the sights of Naples

“While his name has been mentioned on the Chelsea side, Cherki does not leave a Serie A team indifferent: Naples. With a Lozano who has an exit voucher, the ADL president’s club is monitoring the Bleuet in particular, even if the file is obviously likely to be difficult “ published the journalist on his Twitter account. The file is therefore to be followed closely, Naples having financial and sporting arguments that OL no longer have, in the first place with a direct qualification for the Champions League in their pocket. As with Lukeba and Barcola, the Lyon club will be attacked from all sides for its young nuggets during the summer transfer window. It will therefore be interesting to see how John Textor reacts to all the offers he is about to receive for his young talents.

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