EdF ‍: Hervé Renard threatens to make a resounding decision


By: Nicolas Gerbault

Absent from the France team for two and a half years, Amandine Henry was called up by Hervé Renard as part of the preparation for the World Cup. However, the coach of the Bleues does not guarantee him a place in the 23.

One month before the start of the World Cup in Australia and New Zealand, Hervé Renard is working with his staff to best prepare for this major event. The former Saudi Arabia coach has called up 26 players but will only bring 23 with him to the World Cup. Among the surprises on this list, the presence of the former captain of the Blue, Amandine Henry. The former OL player had been shelved by Corine Deacon because of several disagreements. Back at Clairefontaine, however, Henry is also concerned about the possibility of leaving the group. Hervé Renard warned the woman with 93 selections for the France team.

Three players will leave, Henry is not exempt

“I teased him by saying welcome. She will find a role of framework, it is important. It’s up to her to demonstrate the qualities she has, what she can bring to this group, but that applies to all players. We is 26, only 23 will make the list. That leaves a small margin of uncertainty. This uncertainty must not create stress, it simply happens because she could not be there in April, it is up to her to show that she can impose herself through her experience, through her charisma, as well as his footballing qualities. We will do everything with the staff to put her in the best possible conditions. The role of the villain will be to eliminate three players from this list. declared Hervé Renard at a press conference. The French coach will announce no later than July 10 the three players who will not play this ninth edition of the Women’s World Cup. Despite her status as an executive, Amandine Henry must prepare for any bad eventuality, knowing her random form and her more complicated last seasons.

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