OM ‍: The surprise coach enters the track ‍!


By: Manu Tournoux

Marcelo Gallardo will not be the coach of Olympique de Marseille, the Argentine coach having refused the offer of Pablo Longoria. OM are looking for a coach again, and the fans could have a big surprise.

48 hours after learning that Marcelo Gallardo had given his consent to OM and was even announced on Friday en route to Marseille, Marseille fans took a heavy blow this Sunday. Not only is the former River Plate coach not flying to Marseille, but he will never be the Marseille coach. Everyone confirms it, the leaders of Provence learned in the night from Saturday to Sunday that Gallardo had refused to succeed Igor Tudor.

A firm and definitive answer after a suspense of several days. The soap opera El Muneco being finished, the problem is intact for Olympique de Marseille, it is necessary to find a trainer and as quickly as possible since the resumption of training is planned in two weeks, on July 3. So things will move quickly.

A third approach coach at OM

Apart from Marcelo Gallardo, two names have come up very regularly since the announcement of the departure of Igor Tudor: Paulo Fonseca and Marcelino. The first is under contract with Lille, and the more time passes the less the LOSC will be willing to give up its coach, while the second, whom Pablo Longoria appreciates, is free. This Sunday, Alexandre Jacquin, opens the door to a new possible surprise on the side of Olympique de Marseille.

On Friday, one of the candidates had taken a little lead over the others. But we do not know if it was the Lille, the ex-technician of Valence, or, more likely, a third coach, whose name has not yet filtered … Other files , mentioned in the media, have however never been in the pipes, like those of the Italian Fabio Grosso (ex-Frosinone), the Portuguese Ruben Amorim (Sporting) or the Croatian Ivan Juric (Torino) “Explains the journalist from the Marseille daily.

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