The strong testimony of Paul Pogba after the affair of his kidnapping


By: Nicolas Gerbault

In March 2022, the 19th to be exact, Paul Pogba was sequestered in the Paris suburbs. During this, two unidentified robbers demanded no less than 13 million euros from him. A shocking scene which left its mark and which experienced many twists and turns. During a recent confrontation, the Juventus midfielder wanted to reassure his loved ones, while some of them are suspected of having played a role in his kidnapping. They would have “always a place in his heart”. “I had a lot of respect for all the people here, they were like my family”told the French international before the two investigating judges who organized this confrontation, on September 15 at the Paris court.

Paul Pogba insists, without rancor: “The truth will come out. (…) Despite everything that has happened, they will always have a place in my heart”. Same story with the suspects, also childhood friends. Among them, Boubacar C. “heartache” to the idea that the Turinese “may think (that he) wanted to harm her”Machikour K. “says he is hurt deep down”where Mamadou M. claims to have “always wanted to protect him”. Note that 5 relatives of the player were indicted for extortion committed with weapons and kidnapping by an organized gang. They are also being prosecuted for criminal conspiracy. But they all deny the facts and proclaim themselves victims of the robbers, explaining that they themselves were attacked because Paul Pogba refused to pay the requested amount. As a reminder, the former Mancunian refused in September 2021 to give 7 million euros to three of them. “I told them it was too much. I could help them in other ways and I passed them some cash”said the 2018 World champion. Finally, according to a police summary written before the confrontation including AFP became aware, the five constitute “a criminal team (…) aiming to extract 13 million euros from Paul, who had cut off funds at the start of the year“. A matter that is not yet over…

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