EdF: Didier Deschamps supports Kylian Mbappé


By: Nicolas Gerbault

For two consecutive meetings, Kylian Mbappé has not participated in the French team’s press briefings. A surprising fact, given his new role as captain of the Blues. Between his contractual situation at Paris Saint-Germain, his exclusion last summer from the Parisian group or his desire not to express himself on social issues, Kylian Mbappé had been criticized by part of the media, who believe that he must communicate on important subjects.

However, in front of the press, Didier Deschamps explained that he was free, or not, to take a position. Especially for delicate subjects. “Oh, what a question. Kylian is captain and he fully assumes his role as captain. He positions himself, he doesn’t position himself… It’s everyone’s freedom. For me, everyone is free to express themselves whenever they want on the subjects they want. Nothing bothers me. With everything that is happening, we must be careful to be moderate on all sides, because it can have much more serious consequences”commented the Blues coach.

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