Osimhen mocked on TikTok, Napoli’s response


By: Manu Tournoux

While a video published by one of its digital platforms seriously offended Victor Osimhen, the Naples club officially communicated on this controversy.

Victor Osimhen, we love you. This roughly summarizes the message that wanted to convey Naples to his best attacker, Thursday in an official press release After the controversy born from a video posted on the TikTok account of the reigning Italian champions.

Calcio Napoli, in order to avoid any exploitation on the subject, clarifies that it never had the intention of offending or making fun of Victor Osimhen, the club’s treasure.begins the press release.

No insult or derision

As proof of love for the Nigerian center forward, the Serie A club recalls the offers refused during the summer transfer window, some estimated at more than 100 million euros, in order to keep the 24-year-old player.

Social networks, in particular TikTokhave always used an expressive form of language, light and creative, without wanting, as in the case of Osimhen, to have any intention of insult or derision », Explains the press release.

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