Former Juve boss attacks Pogba


By: Manu Tournoux

A former Juventus strongman has slammed Paul Pogba for his lack of professionalism.

Former Juventus chief executive Luciano Moggi wants to see Paul Pogba’s contract terminated as soon as possible. For him, the French international is not serious or committed enough to belong to this great club.

“Pogba is not attached to Juventus”

The French midfielder is currently provisionally suspended after testing positive for testosterone last week. His second opinion hearing will take place on October 5.

Moggi did not wait for the results of these tests to condemn La Pioche. He told Radio Bianconera: “I already defined Pogba’s problem when he decided not to have surgery for the last World Cup. I don’t know what exactly happened, but if it’s true, as it’s true that it’s positive, I can say that Pogba is not very intelligent and especially not attached to Juventus.”

Moggi, who is not a model of integrity, took the liberty of giving some lessons to the French international: “He wanted to come here to shake up the world, but he ended up getting lost. There are specific provisions that say a player must inform the medical staff of everything he takes before, after and during the match. If everything was confirmed, the club could also request termination of the contract, which could even be automatic. »

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