Pogba affair: the instructions for the food supplement warned of the risks of doping


By: Manu Tournoux

Embroiled in a new affair, Paul Pogba (30 years old) risks very big. Accused of having taken testosterone, the Frenchman allegedly made a serious mistake by obtaining a food supplement from a doctor to whom he is close and who is based in the United States.

But the Gazzetta dello Sport tells us that it is indicated on the instructions for this food supplement that it contains substances that can be assimilated to doping products. Since then, Italian authorities have been trying to find out whether Pogba knowingly doped or whether it was negligence. In the event of proven doping, Juventus is strongly considering terminating his contract. This would allow it to make savings of around €30 million in terms of salaries and other bonuses (La Pioche is paid up to €8 million until 2026).

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