OL: When Riolo sets himself up as a lawyer for the Bad Gones


By: Manu Tournoux

Daniel Riolo took up the defense of the supporters of Olympique Lyonnais, whose remonstrances he considers legitimate.

Olympique Lyonnais supporters did not go overboard to show their dissatisfaction. In particular, towards the management and the players of the club still present, but also the recruits who left this summer, as an unprecedented crisis shakes the Rhone club. An understandable attitude for Daniel Riolo, after the defeat of Les Gones against Paris Saint-Germain (1-4), this Sunday at Groupama Stadium as part of the 4th day of Ligue 1.

“It’s a trend: more and more in the stands there is a counter-power to the directions, somewhat nourished by a form of political ideology. I’m not talking about the left, or the right, or the political spectrum, but about this desire to be a counter-power. Basically, ‘football is business and the club is us, it’s just us. We are the saviors, those who hold the stands. More and more, they want to forcefully exert this counter-power. We have this desire to take power in Lyon with what happened after the match against PSG ”, thus released the journalist for RMC.

“I read so many people commenting on this scene with deep disdain for what they saw. I can’t stand the contempt shown by some journalists to the capo of Bad Gones. This popular contempt that there would be the political class – the leaders and the journalists -, but the supporters do not have the right to summon the players? What did the Lyonnais do with the players in front of them, we can think what we want but the guy must make a political speech worthy of a deputy in the assembly? And the players are exemplary? Are the leaders of Lyon exemplary? Aulas is exemplary? »thus questioned the editorialist.

“They did not hit the players”

“There is certainly a limit and I have condemned the excesses but we cannot deny this popular power which is, of course, borrowed from demagoguery. Today in Lyon, what is left? There is a president who has left and who soaps the board of the club. They are sad to see the turn this story is taking. They saw their sporting director, an emblematic player (Juninho) get fired with a push-up in the behind, they see an American arriving, we don’t know what he wants to do, they see a guy, Cucci, who doesn’t know not a word of the ball, lead the club. Guys, they are in panic, it’s normal, you have to understand them anyway. They didn’t hit the players.”he added.

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