Mbappé, huge rant against PSG


By: Manu Tournoux

The climate has warmed up faster than expected between Kylian Mbappé and Paris Saint-Germain. A quick rapprochement that did not please everyone.

For several weeks, the gap had widened in a serious way between Kylian Mbappé and Paris Saint-Germain. Following the player’s choice not to activate the option on his third and final year of contract, the Parisian club decided to sideline him by first depriving him of the preparation tour in Japan at the end of the month of July, then placing it in the cool in the loft of the “undesirables” set up by Luis Campos. The story seemed to get off to a bad start, but everything changed suddenly last Saturday evening, before Kylian Mbappé’s reinstatement in the main group was confirmed the next day. A choice of the club not understood by all.

On the antenna RMC, Pierre Dorian did not hide his incomprehension. For the journalist, President Nasser al-Khelaïfi and the management of PSG went much too quickly. ” I was okay with management tightening the screw, but they loosened the grip way too soon. There was just an oral commitment of who knows what, we are not even sure that he will extend. They gave up much too soon, they made a colossal mistake. “According to the observer, it was necessary to leave Kylian Mbappé aside while waiting to obtain serious guarantees concerning the continuation of his adventure at Paris Saint-Germain.

“Saudi prince demands”

You wait for him to sign before taking him out of the loft. They haven’t regained control at all, it’s completely bogus. If he doesn’t sign a contract for at least two years – and I think more like three – he will not have behaved properly. “Pierre Dorian also targeted Kylian Mbappé, believing that the latter” no longer has any excuse not to extend“, after PSG told him” gave absolutely everything“. Believing that the striker had Saudi prince demands“, the journalist estimated that this one should “ commit to the long term “to PSG otherwise, all his requests would not have” any sense“.

At the moment, we are building a team with and for Kylian Mbappé, with his friends. So he won’t be here in a year? But it doesn’t make sense“, got carried away Pierre Dorian. ” We will end up with PSG for Mbappé without Mbappé. But do you hear this phrase? I’m sorry, it makes absolutely no sporting sense.

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