Rolland Courbis designates OM’s weak link


By: Manu Tournoux

Rolland Courbis quoted the player who, according to him, risks stopping the Marseille season.

The French championship resumes its rights this Friday. PSG leaves as the big favorite to succeed him despite the many departures he has recorded or risks recording this summer. Behind, in the pack of pursuers, is still OM. 2e in 2022 and 3e in 2023, the Marseille club aspires to do at least as well.

Courbis worried about OM

Can the Marseillais achieve this objective? Their first official outing of the season, namely a defeat against Panathinaikos in the Champions League, does not bode well. With a new coach, Rongier and his teammates have few certainties. And their followers are worried.

A certain Rolland Courbis expressed particular concern for the Olympian team. The former club coach believes there is “lots of question marks”. “An Alexis Sanchez is not replaced as easily as that”, he told the Parisian. He then mentioned the player who gives him a cold sweat: “The goalkeeper worries me”. He is of course referring to Pau Lopez.

On the other hand, the coach vice-champion of France in 1999 indicated that he was not really convinced by the system of play put in place by the new coach, Marcelino. “As for the organization with four defenders, two torchbearers and four offensive players, it passes for a 4-4-2 but I call it a 4-2-4. And to think of winning the battle in the middle, which is decisive today with a 4-2-4, someone will have to explain it to me”.

Courbis then concluded by confident that he did not see anyone competing with PSG for the title: “We need a team that can rest on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays like Lens did last season. At 2.3 points, Lens could have been champion. We would have applauded the Lensois, while emphasizing that they were in front of the TV on European Cup evenings ”.

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