OM: A midfielder refuses to leave


By: Manu Tournoux

Olympique de Marseille must slim down in the midfield but the candidates for departure are not legion.

After having recruited a lot in recent weeks, OM are forced to sell to reduce their workforce. So far, there have not been many divestments registered. Only the Spaniard Konrad De La Fuente has found a new base.

Traffic jam in the middle

The sector where Marseille must hurry to degrease is the midfield. There are five players for two places. The abundance of goods does not harm, but Marcelino, the new coach of the team, would like to get rid of at least one element and preserve healthy competition.

Among the Olympian players who could have moved there is Jordan Veretout. Having kept a good rating in Italy after his stints with Roma and Fiorentina, the French international was contacted by a Serie A team. However, the person concerned immediately dismissed his courtier. He has no intention of leaving OM.

Veretout does not want to leave

Veretout (30) has good reasons for wanting to continue with the Marseille team. He is firmly installed there as a holder. The new coach should also rely on him as much as the previous one. In addition, he is one of the highest paid players in the squad. It comes in at 550,000 euros gross monthly on the Vélodrome side. Clearly favoring stability.

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