Aulas, the possible return


By: Manu Tournoux

Jean-Michel Aulas threw a stone into the pond by saying he was ready to return to his post as president of OL. If asked…

Very active lately on the media scene, Jean-Michel Aulas never hesitates to comment on OL and his successors at the helm of the club. While the Gones are undergoing in this off-season a framework by the DNCG of their payroll and their transfers, the historic boss of the Lyonnais judges “ quite impossible ” a flashback. ” Unless I’m asked “, he says mischievously in an interview with Progrès.

I remain a 9% shareholder and it is a way of checking that things will go well. Now, there is a program to buy back the 9% that I still hold, starting in August for a third, and in 18 months for the balance. So you can’t imagine me coming back and I have other plans “, further nuance the one who presided over OL for 36 years. Confirmed in his status in December 2022 when the club was taken over by the Eagle Football holding company and John Textor, Jean-Michel Aulas was finally discharged on May 5.

“Solicitations from other clubs”

I had requests from other clubs which I immediately declinedhe assures in the pages of the regional daily aroused. I am not a leader who moves from one club to another. It’s impossible. After having experienced what I experienced with OL, it’s a very special DNA. “And to lift the veil on its immediate orientations and concerns:” I am lucky, as a member of the Comex, to have been able to reform professional women’s football with the creation of a Professional League. I will continue to devote time to women’s football. Perhaps not only for Les Bleues, because I have requests from European or world organizations to provide advice and assistance. And I have other projects with my son Alexandre. But I remain available to John Textor and Santiago Cucci. »

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