After seven years of absence, the famous survival show The Island made its comeback Tuesday evening on M6. For this new season, entitled “L’île du penal colony”, ten celebrities have landed on the island of Ko Tarutao, in the southwest of Thailand, with the objective of traveling 10 kilometers in the jungle in order to reach a extraction point to be able to leave their island.
An adventure that stopped before it even really began for Carine Galli. In the casting of this new season, the sports journalist unfortunately fell heavily just a few hours before arriving on the island, after having spent a week following survival training with the other candidates.
“I didn’t do all this to end this shit”
“I missed a step (from the candidates’ hotel, editor’s note), a step that we all took several times. I fell, I fell to the ground, and obviously, I hurt my right ankle, which turned. It’s swollen, and it’s a little blue. It’s not possible that it’s happening here, on a shitty step… I didn’t do all this to end this shit “, lamented ex-partner Giovanni Castaldi, very moved.
Unfortunately for Carine Galli, the verdict was final. An X-ray revealed she suffered a triple ankle fracture. Enough to force her to abandon it. “ It’s something important for me to surpass myself, to do that, to prove things to myself… I told myself that it would definitely help me move forward. “, she confided, in tears, after learning the sad news. An injury which therefore deprived her of the adventure, but also the Euro 2024 football tournament in Germany last summer which she had to cover.