Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer says it all


By: Manu Tournoux

If the Swedish press assured that Kylian Mbappé was the target of an investigation for “rape and sexual assault”, the footballer’s lawyer gave her point of view this Tuesday.

What really happened in Stockholm last week? Passing through the Swedish city for a few days of rest, Kylian Mbappé saw the local press firing on all cylinders. The daily “Expressen” thus published an investigation, without however mentioning the name of the Bondynois, explaining that he was targeted by a complainant and that he was now the subject of an investigation. The affair having suddenly gained momentum in the French media, Kylian Mbappé’s lawyer stepped up to the plate to reveal her truths.

Tuesday evening during the 8 p.m. news on TF1, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard wanted to be very clear on the subject, firstly ensuring that she had not received any complaints against her client.
“We are talking about filing a complaint but at this time, we do not even know against whom. A complaint does not make the truth, a complaint does not prove anything, and I don’t even know again if the complaint is aimed at him. » For the lawyer, the allegations of rape mentioned by the Swedish press are aberrant, since according to her, Kylian Mbappé was not alone all evening.

Kylian Mbappé “totally stunned”

“He is never alone. He is never exposed to finding himself in a situation where there would be risk taking for him. So, as a result, this completely excludes the possibility that there could have been these reprehensible actions on his part. I can tell you that, because that is an absolute certainty. »
As for Kylian Mbappé’s state of mind, Maître Marie-Alix Canu-Bernard also wanted to tell his truth: “He is particularly serene. But on the other hand, he is totally stunned to see this kind of media hype. He doesn’t understand at all what he can be accused of, directly or indirectly. »

In conclusion, the lawyer added that her client would submit to the demands of Swedish justice in the event of an investigation targeting him directly. “If that was the case, obviously. But once again, today he was absolutely calm, he went to training because he has absolutely nothing to reproach himself for. » According to TF1Maître Canu-Bernard decided to file a complaint for “slanderous denunciation”.

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