French team: Didier Deschamps reveals his truths about the Mbappé affair


By: Manu Tournoux

The Mbappé case has caused a lot of ink to flow. Absent from the national team gathering, but available to play with Real Madrid, the Bondynois did not escape criticism, in particular because of his status as captain of the Blues. Faced with the controversy, the president of the FFF, Philippe Diallo had to break his silence last night. A media outing in which he did not attack Mbappé, but rather his club, Real Madrid. A few hours later, it was Didier Deschamps’ turn to raise the subject.

The national coach did not give a press conference this Monday, but he took advantage of the FFF channels to express his opinion on the question. “Kylian crystallizes a lot of things about him. This is not making a case of Kylian. We need to see this more generally. (…) The initial postulate is that the interests of the clubs and the interests of the national teams, I am not just talking about the French team, necessarily diverge at some point, and we must not forget either that the employer is the club, it is not the federation”he declared in an interview broadcast on the FFF YouTube channel, before continuing.

“The most important thing is the player”

“I make sure, through the relationship I have with the players, to interact with them. For me, the most important thing is the interest of the player, I know very well that he is not going to go against his club, he does not want to go against the selection either. After discussion, ensure that the player’s interests are prioritized, without putting him in difficulty.”. However, the Blues staff and the FFF were accused of giving in a little too easily to the requests of Casa Blanca. Criticisms that came after seeing Mbappé play this weekend against Villarreal when he had given up on the Blues. But for Deschamps, it was never a question of giving the Merengues a favor.

Does Kylian Mbappé disrespect the French team?

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“Afterwards, there can be interpretations, but it is valid for all clubs. If there are players who are in a situation where there may be problems on a physical level, they (the clubs) have always been resistant to allowing them to go to the selection and take risks. I’m not here to take risks. For me, discussing with them and having medical information leads me to make the best decision for the player because for me, the most important thing is the player. There are a lot of players who get injured, but inevitably the overload of the calendar leads the clubs which, I repeat, are the employers, to be more and more vigilant in relation to the situation of each other”. It’s said.

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