Luis Enrique, his new ridiculous nickname


By: Manu Tournoux

After Géo Trouvetou and GiFi, Luis Enrique was given a new nickname by Daniel Riolo.

Before the Champions League match against Arsenal, Luis Enrique made a radical decision by removing Ousmane Dembélé from his group. We will never know if Paris Saint-Germain would have obtained a better result with the presence of the French international.

Still, this decision makes people cringe. Particularly those of Daniel Riolo. “Stop believing that you are superior to everyone all the timethe sports journalist got angry after the Parisian coach, on the airwaves of
RMC. Since he’s been at the club, every time he’s tried to pull something out of his hat, he’s come up with nothing. Each time, he transformed into Garcimore. Luis Enrique, it’s Garcimore! “.

Riolo, a mess of nicknames for Luis Enrique

A reference not necessarily obvious for the youngest. Daniel Riolo here refers to the Franco-Spanish illusionist, who had great success on French television in the late 1970s and early 1980s.

This is not the first time that the columnist has given Luis Enrique a ridiculous nickname. Last season, he regularly nicknamed him Geo Trouvetouin reference to the fictional character from the world of ducks. Gilbert Brisbois’ sidekick also often calls him “GiFi”. This time, the reference is to be found on the side of the brand distributing low-cost products for the home and family, whose slogan is “Genius ideas”.

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