Messi, something in common with Bono and Hillary Clinton


By: Manu Tournoux

This Saturday was a special day for Lionel Messi, honored by the President of the United States himself, Joe Biden. During a ceremony organized at the White House, “La Pulga” received the “Presidential Medal of Freedom”, the highest American civilian distinction.

Like 18 other celebrities – including NBA legend Magic Johnson, U2 singer Bono, former Secretary of State and presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, actor Michael J. Fox, fashion designer Ralph Lauren , the director George Stevens Jr, the actor Denzel Washington or even the high priestess of fashion Anna Wintour – the eight-time Ballon d’Or was distinguished with great fanfare.

“Great leaders” distinguished

These nineteen people made America a better place. They are great leaders because they are good people who have made extraordinary contributions to their country and the world », greets the White House in a press release, adding as regards Lionel Messi his charitable and philanthropic works.

He (Messi, editor’s note) supports health and education programs for children around the world through the Leo Messi Foundation and is a Unicef ​​Goodwill Ambassador
», Underlines the administration of outgoing President Biden.