Super League: Real Madrid persists and tackles UEFA


By: Manu Tournoux

Real Madrid is not giving up on its European Super League project. President Florentino Pérez, in open war with UEFA, maintains that this initiative is essential to revolutionize football. During a study relayed by The Guardianthe club’s general director, José Ángel Sánchez, compared UEFA to
Titanic musiciansemphasizing the urgency of an overhaul of the current system.

“We are like Asterix’s village”

Sánchez, in a bold analogy, described Real Madrid as Asterix’s village, fighting against a “Roman” empire represented by UEFA. According to him, the dominance of the Premier League and the rise of club-states are making it increasingly difficult for Spanish and European clubs to compete. “We have our magic potion, our tradition and our history, but it is urgent to fight battles to defend ourselves”he added.

A new model for football

Sánchez also advocated for a model where clubs would have direct control over their competitions and revenues.
“Today, a Real Madrid fan in Japan watches our matches via a broadcaster who pays UEFA, who then pays us. If we managed the competition, we could establish a direct relationship with our supporters and significantly increase our revenue”he explained. For the Madrid leader, these changes are crucial to preserve competitiveness and modernize football in the face of current economic and structural challenges.