Mbappé affair: Real Madrid thinks of a PSG plot


By: Manu Tournoux

What we still call “the Mbappé affair” continues to shake the football world. The player is cited by the Swedish press for an investigation for rape and sexual harassment. The prosecutor in charge confirmed the existence of an investigation without revealing the names of the people concerned. We have since known that there was indeed a sexual encounter with a young woman that the player considers consensual. For Mbappé and his entourage it is clear, it is a stink ball carried out by PSG in order to harm it since the two parties are still in conflict over unpaid salaries and bonuses by the capital club (55 M€).

According to information from the Cadena SerReal Madrid takes up the cause of its player. “What they (the Madrid leaders) know is what Kylian tells them. He thinks it’s a PSG plot» they say on the radio before questioning the role of the French media. “We all know which media are under the influence of PSG and they are the ones who put the most pressure on Mbappé, without knowing the truth.» Only news from Swedish justice can now move this particularly hot issue forward.

Categories PSG

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